Root Riot tray of 24

Root Riot tray of 24

Root Riot tray of 24

Root Riot cubes are made from composted organic materials, and have a great spongy texture, which retains the perfect air/water ratio for healthy, rapid root growth. Suitable for both cuttings and seeds, Root Riot® consistently outperforms alternative media. The cubes are specially inoculated with micro nutrients and biologically active ingredients to nourish young plants, and to aid root development. A propagation medium blended from organic materials perfect for soil and hydroponics.


Root Riot cubes are supplied pre-moistened. If it becomes dry, just put them them in a bowl with lukewarm water. Put them back in the box and let it drain completely before use. Cubes must be soaked like a sponge and wet, but not drenched. Unused cubes wrap in a plastic bag, for preventing from dry. For best use, keep at room temperature. If it was keep in a cool place, bring them to the place with plants and allow to equalize the temperature.


  • 1. Select cutting - most kinds multiply best from young shoots. Prepare material by cutting diagonally into branch or swelling of the stem. Remove most of the leaves, leave only a few of them. Large leaves must be cut in half for reduce the loss of water.
  • 2. Dip the cut end in Clonex Rooting Gel and then place carefully in pre-made hole in the top of the cube. If the hole is too big for the stem, just make a smaller beside her with a sharp instrument. Do not push the cutting too deep. Put it deep enough to anchor.
  • 3. Spray cuttings with lukewarm water and cover the box with transparent cover or a plastic bag to increase humidity. Maintain humidity by regularly spraying. It is recommended to heat the bottom, if possible - a heater or heating pad is ideal, although warmed ledges are good too.


  • 1. Just dig one or two seeds in the cube.
  • 2. Slightly plow up the edges pour on top for dig the seeds.
  • 3. Place the box in a warm place until germination. Check the humidity of the cubes, especially in warm conditions where the drying is faster. It is best when the moisture comes to the surface simply by squeezing. If not, carefully pour cubes and allow to drain well. Do not saturate too much because it will promote the growth of mold and will smooth roots. Check root growth by gently lifting the cube of the box. Do not lift by getting the stem of young plant. This will hurt the fragile forming roots. Provide plenty of light for seeds after germinate. When the roots become visible, the new plant is ready for grafting in a pot or outside. Also, the cubes now can be moved to another system for planting.


1 "Ivan Turgenev" street,
1233 Sofia
+ 359 897 77 77 71
