This effervescent bud expander is the leader in the field of bloom stimulators. Its additional minerals prompt improved cell division, ensuring increased absorption in the plant. Geni Powder therefore produces tangible results, while it can be combined with any type of basic feed. It is supplied in individual sachets which make for convenient use. It has been extensively tested to meet with our customers complete satisfaction. In short, Geni Powder is the ideal complement to every successful growers feed plan.
How Geni Powder Actually Works
This bloom booster triggers an additional flowering cycle following the initial one, thus causing the bud to increase considerably in weight. You will be absolutely amazed at the additional yield achieved thanks to the use of this product. It creates a second layer around the bud, as it were, which enables increased productivity.
Geni powder comes in a convenient 65 g sachet, which makes 100 Litres of feed water.
Geni Powder should be used in conjunction with your basic nutrient. 1 to 2 Sachets per 100 Litres. Adjust the EC value to EC 1,2 using the basic nutrient. Add 1 sachet of Geni Powder to 100 Litres of feed water during the first week of the last 3 weeks of flowering. Use 2 sachets per 100 Ltr during the final 2 weeks.
Five sachets in every box.