Dragon is a powerful product for experienced growers who are looking to yield bigger and better than ever before. It enables your plants to effectively utilize both phosphorous and nitrogen, throughout the flower stage, relieving your plants of common symptoms such as leaf curl, burning, and foliage loos, which are often associated with super-strength bloom stimulants.
Flower Dragon is a new generation of flower booster, with an added bonus. Rather than just piling on extra phosphorus and potassium through the flowering stage and hoping for the best, Flower Dragon also enhances a plant's ability to absorb and utilize these essential elements. Flower Dragon works with plants to maximize their sensitivity and responsiveness to environmental cues (typically changes in photoperiod). As a result, plants are better able to quickly and effectively absorb the phosphorus and potassium they need during the all-important flowering stage enabling them to minimize the time taken to shift into flower - ensuring maximum results.
SOIL/SUNSHINE MIX: Use Flower Dragon for 1 week between weeks 3 and week 5 of flowering. Add Flower Dragon with the fertilizer you use on feed days at the rate of 3 to 5 mls per litre of made up fertilizer solution. Remember to flush st the end of the feed week as you normally would.