AGROBETA ZINC-MANGANESE is a preparation which is used in deficiency of zinc and manganese and contains amino acids in the formula. Among the advantages of its use, we can point out the rapid absorption of trace elements, improving the maturation of the fruits and the effects of bio stimulation due to the presence of amino acids in its composition.
The synergy of the mixture of both nutrients is important for the preparation of the saturated green color of leaves and fruit.
The preparation can be applied directly to soil or dissolved in the irrigation water. Suitable for all crops. It can be applied whenever symptoms of zinc deficiency and manganese.
Soil application: from 6 to 9 L / Ha. Distribute several applied during the processing of the soil.
Foliar (leaf fertilization) between 500-750 cc / every 100 L of water. When citrus trees are given immediately before or immediately after flowering.